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Resource ImplementationGuide/FHIR Server from package hl7.fhir.uv.smart-app-launch#current (141 ms)

Package hl7.fhir.uv.smart-app-launch
Type ImplementationGuide
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/smart-app-launch/index.html
Url http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/ImplementationGuide/hl7.fhir.uv.smart-app-launch
Version 2.2.0
Status active
Date 2023-03-01
Name SmartAppLaunch
Title SMART App Launch
Experimental False
Realm uv
Authority hl7

Resources that use this resource

https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/Scheduling/CapabilityStatement/IHE.Scheduling.client IHE Scheduling Client
https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/Scheduling/CapabilityStatement/IHE.Scheduling.server IHE Scheduling Server
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems/CapabilityStatement/provider-system Medication REMS Capability Statement - Provider System
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems/CapabilityStatement/rems-administrator-system Medication REMS Capability Statement - REMS Administrator System
http://hl7.dk/fhir/smart/CapabilityStatement/dk-smart-server Danish SMART Server Capability Statement
https://smartforms.csiro.au/ig/CapabilityStatement/SFLauncherServerAboriginalTorresStraitIslanderHealthCheck Smart Forms Launcher Server for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check
https://smartforms.csiro.au/ig/CapabilityStatement/SmartFormsApplication Smart Forms Application
http://hl7.org.au/fhir/core/CapabilityStatement/au-core-requester AU Core Requester CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org.au/fhir/core/CapabilityStatement/au-core-responder AU Core Responder CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/eltss/CapabilityStatement/eltss-server eLTSS Server Capability Statement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/davinci-pdex/CapabilityStatement/pdex-server-6-1 PDex Server CapabilityStatement with US core 6.1 support
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ipa/CapabilityStatement/ipa-client International Patient Access Client CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ipa/CapabilityStatement/ipa-server International Patient Access Server CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/CapabilityStatement/us-core-client US Core Client CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/CapabilityStatement/us-core-server US Core Server CapabilityStatement
https://hl7.fi/fhir/finnish-smart/CapabilityStatement/fi-smart-server Finnish SMART Server Capability Statement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcc/CapabilityStatement/mcc-client MCC Client CapabilityStatement
http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcc/CapabilityStatement/mcc-server MCC Server CapabilityStatement

Resources that this resource uses

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The official URL for this implementation guide is:



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        "description" : "Helping patients find and connect to the right API endpoints, by enabling publication of branding information for API providers, portals, and endpoints.\n\nFor an overview, see [User Access Brands](brands.html)."
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        "name" : "User Access Brand Examples",
        "description" : "The following examples demonstrate use of User Access Brands. See [example-brands](./example-brands.html) for a guided tour."
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        "name" : "SMART App State",
        "description" : "Helping apps persist state to an EHR."
        "id" : "SMARTResources",
        "name" : "SMART Launch Tasks",
        "description" : "Helping EHRs manage deferred or proposed app launches.\n\nFor an overview, see [Task profile for requesting SMART launch](task-launch.html)."
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            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/user-access-endpoint"
        "name" : "User Access Endpoint Profile",
        "description" : "Profile on Endpoint associated with a User Access Brand",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "PABProfiles"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "ValueSet"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "ValueSet/user-access-category"
        "name" : "User Access Category Value Set",
        "description" : "Categorizes a UserAccessBrand into high-level taxonomy",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "PABProfiles"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Bundle"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Bundle/example1"
        "name" : "Lab with Locations Nationwide",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/user-access-brands-bundle",
        "groupingId" : "PAB"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Bundle"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Bundle/example2"
        "name" : "Regional Health System With Independently Branded Affiliates",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/user-access-brands-bundle",
        "groupingId" : "PAB"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Bundle"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Bundle/example3"
        "name" : "Different EHRs for different sub-populations displayed in a unified card",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/user-access-brands-bundle",
        "groupingId" : "PAB"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Bundle"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Bundle/example4"
        "name" : "Two co-equal brands",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/user-access-brands-bundle",
        "groupingId" : "PAB"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/task-ehr-launch"
        "name" : "TaskEhrLaunch",
        "description" : "Defines a Task that indicates the user should launch an application using the SMART on FHIR EHR launch.",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/task-standalone-launch"
        "name" : "TaskStandaloneLaunch",
        "description" : "Defines a Task that indicates the user should launch an application as a standalone application.",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/smart-app-state-basic"
        "name" : "SMART App State",
        "description" : "SMART App State profile on Basic resource",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTAppState"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "CapabilityStatement"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "CapabilityStatement/smart-app-state-server"
        "name" : "App State Server CapabilityStatement",
        "description" : "Required capabilities for App State Server",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTAppState"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "CodeSystem"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "CodeSystem/smart-codes"
        "name" : "SMART on FHIR terminology.",
        "description" : "Codes used in profiles related to SMART on FHIR.",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "ValueSet"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "ValueSet/smart-launch-info"
        "name" : "Codes for tasks to application launches",
        "description" : "Defines codes for Tasks that request launch of SMART applications.",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "ValueSet"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "ValueSet/smart-launch-types"
        "name" : "Launch Types for tasks to application launches",
        "description" : "Defines Launch Type codes for Tasks that request launch of SMART applications.",
        "exampleBoolean" : false,
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Basic"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Basic/app-state"
        "name" : "Example App State",
        "description" : "Example App State",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/smart-app-state-basic",
        "groupingId" : "SMARTAppState"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Task"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Task/task-for-standalone-launch"
        "name" : "Example Task for Standalone Launch",
        "description" : "Example Task for Standalone Launch",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/task-standalone-launch",
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Task"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Task/task-for-ehr-launch"
        "name" : "Example Task for EHR Launch",
        "description" : "Example Task for EHR Launch",
        "exampleCanonical" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/StructureDefinition/task-ehr-launch",
        "groupingId" : "SMARTResources"
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XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.